Thursday, September 23, 2010

"I had a dream" & reflections on chp 7 M&R

I've finally had a dream. Bizarre but I suppose thats what everyone says. I used to tour with a theatre company and we went through about 3 lead actors while I was in the company. My dream involves the 1st of these 3 actors. Mind you, this man was married with children and about 12 years my senior. I know why I dreamed of him and any woman can't deny they would have had a school girl crush as well, he looked just like Johnny Depp. Enough Said. In the dream I am back on tour as my current self, he is not in the company any longer but we happen to be staying in the same hotel. He comes into my hotel room while I am sleeping and whispers "sweet nothings" into my ear. I'm sure he was saying something but my real self does not remember. He then begins to softly kiss my neck, I tell him to stop and he leaves. I then go into the bathroom and find boils on my neck where he kissed... the end. I was hoping to find a quote in the golden bough about adultery but had no luck.

Chp 7 reflections
Chapter 7 in Myth and Reality is all about memories and forgetting. I'm very glad I don't live in India because I had a slew of recollections while talking about everyone elses memories. I suppose that means I'm ignorant. But I'm happy I will not be put into slavery or put to death because of that ignorance. The expectations of gods is very high. To live for so long and to remember everything is a big task. Then to make them mortal when they get a little fuzzy seems a bit drastic to me. But then again, I'm one of the ignorant ones. Moving further along death is associated with loss of memories. However, I think all of us have passions for certain things that may have come from former lives' memories. Thats what I have always believed. I may not have drank from the waters of lethe. Or my former selves did not.
    I also find it interesting that sleeping is also a form of ignorance and death. I rather like to sleep. Mostly for the reason it takes me away from the stress of the "real world." Sleep is also a chance to escape oneself. You don't need to be a person, you can be a lion, or a branch, or even a dragon! This chapter claims that it is not a good thing to lose your identity in sleep. I quite like it. I feel if Gods did not want us to sleep then they should have done something about it. Until next time.

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