Tuesday, November 2, 2010

book V

 "But Diana was not merely a patroness of wild beasts, a mistress of woods and hills, of lonely glades and sounding rivers; conceived as the moon, and especially, it would seem, as the yellow harvest moon, she filled the farmer’s grange with goodly fruits, and heard the prayers of women in travail." (The Golden Bough Chp 7 pg 3)

Minerva, Muses, Pegasus: Minerva goes to the Muses to see a new marvel beneath Pegasus' hoof.

The Pierides: Sisters who challenge the Muses to the art of song.

Ceres & Proserpina: Prosepina is kidnapped by Pluto who received Cupids blow as Ceres searches for her.

Arethusa & Alpheus: Arethusa who was once a Nymph, lusted for by Alpheus is turned to a spring by Diana but still ends up mingling with Alpheus.

The Pierides-again: Upon losing to the Muses these sisters are turned into Magpies.

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