Wednesday, December 1, 2010

simpsons much?

I was recently attempting to go to sleep when watching an episode of the Simpsons. I had not realized how mythological this show was. The particular episode I watched was about Homer going to the chili cookoff. He ends up trying some chili made by Chief Wiggum made with insane peppers from mental patients in the forests of such and such. Homer ends up going on a spiritual quest in his mind. He then runs into a coyote who tells him he needs to find his soul mate. The coyote voiced by Johnny Cash mind you. However, what struck me funny was not the spiritual journey but after Homer comes to. He explains how all the things around him are what he saw in his fantasy. The pyramid being some stairs nearby to the coyote being a dog. It just struck me that if we look at things a different way... we can see them not for what they appear but what they can become.

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